Spyderco slipjoint knives: traditional lock with a modern look and feel
Spyderco slipjoint knives are a cool, modern interpretation of an ancient concept. Slipjoint pocket knives belong to some of the oldest designs in the world. For over hundred years pocket knives without a real lock have been produced worldwide. A slipjoint lock means there is only some resistance to prevent a knife from closing. This is not a complete lock. Because it doesn't completely lock the knife, slipjoint knives are legal in many places in the world. Great because laws do change sometimes.
38 Products
Spyderco Honeybee Red G10 C137GRDP keychain pocket knifeIn stock
Spyderco Bug Black G10 C133GBKP keychain pocket knifeIn stock
Spyderco Bug Blue G10 C133GBLP keychain pocket knifeIn stock
Spyderco Bug Red G10 C133GRDP keychain pocket knifeIn stock
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Spyderco Honeybee Black G10 C137GBKP keychain pocket knifeIn stock
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Spyderco Dogtag Grey C188ALP Gen4 pocket knife, Serge Panchenko designNot available
Spyderco C137BKP Honeybee, Black Stainless Steel± 1 month
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Spyderco Chaparral Maple Wood Slipjoint C152NLWDP pocket knife± 3 weeks
Spyderco Roadie Olive Green C189PGR pocket knife± 1 month
Spyderco UK Penknife Salt LC200N Serrated C94SYL Yellow pocket knifeNot available
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Spyderco Roadie C189PRD red pocket knife± 1 month
Spyderco Roadie XL C267BKP Black, pocket knife± 2 months
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Spyderco Roadie C189PBL blue pocket knife± 2 months